We’re calling for an industry revolution.

We believe the food industry has a responsibility to do more for the teams we work with, the communities we work in, and the planet. This is our recipe for change.

Levy is Committed to achieving CLIMATE net zero.

Key Ingredients in our recipe for change


Locally Sourced & Seasonal

Balanced Plate Menus

Rebalancing Protein Sources

Change Business fundamentals


Culture & Education

Offsetting Residual Emissions

Target, measure, monitor

Achieving Climate Net Zero


Change is needed.


It cannot be understated: the climate emergency is the biggest challenge of our lifetime.

Food plays a key role in global emissions, with the global food system currently accounting for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. Food waste is the third largest cause of global warming. 1.3bn tonnes of food is thrown away each year - that’s a third of all food produced globally. Developed countries shoulder most of the fault for this, but it’s developing countries that first feel the consequences of inaction. 

We want our path forward to be a model for the rest of the industry. We want to be market leaders in sustainable food; delivering locally sourced, plant forward and in-season menus. This is a recipe for change.

Our Climate Promise


Levy is committed to achieving Climate Net Zero. This site is about our journey towards that goal; a record of the problems we face, the way we propose to tackle them, and the results we hope to achieve. We hope to be a model for the rest of the industry on how to do this right, so we’re being as transparent as possible.


The Road to Sustainability


We know this isn’t something we can do overnight. In order to be a model for the industry, we’ll be bringing you detailed plans as well as explanations about the targets we will hold ourselves to and our plans of how to reach them.

To view specific strategies about each area of our business click the link below.

Our Partners



Tracking and visualising emissions is our first step in developing a climate conscious plan for the future. We have partnered with Swedish startup Klimato to calculate and communicate the carbon footprint of our food. This data helps us understand the carbon impact of our menus, and allows visitors to make informed decisions about the carbon content of the dishes they eat. In the medium term we will use this to set goals, cut emissions, and show progress to our guests and employees.


Sustainable supply chains

As a market leader we know that the industry has a clear responsibility to continue to do more to decrease its carbon impact, which is why we are working with a range of partners who are putting sustainability at the heart of their business; for everything from our ingredients to our uniforms.


Target, Measure, Monitor



we will have a minimum of 50% plant based menus by 2025


of our carbon emissions will be decarbonised by 2027


Seasonal sourcing for all our menus by the end of 2022


Sourcing of 100% recyclable or reusable packaging across products



Through Culinary innovation and ingredient re-purposing we will reduce our food waste to under 1% by the end of 2024


We will increase female chefs in our business by 10% year on year and support Women in Food initiatives.


of our carbon emissions (so-called residual emissions) neutralised though high quality carbon projects in the UK&I


of our menus are plant-based, vegan or vegetarian right now



of all produce is sourced from the UK


Renewable Energy for Levy direct operations


electrical car & fleet by 2024

Contact Us


We would love to hear from you!

Visit levy.co.uk to find out more about us and the services we offer.